Bagergue Most beautiful towns in Spain

Bagergue Most beautiful towns in Spain

The town of Bagergue is the highest in the Val d’Aran, located at 1419m.

All times of the year have their splendor, winters with abundant snow, in spring flowers cover all the meadows, summer fills all the mountains with life and in autumn we have a festival of colors.

Bagergue holds the highest distinction in the Viles Florides movement for the third consecutive year with 4 Flowers of Honor. This movement wants to show and value the natural and scenic wealth of the territory through public recognition of all those landscaping projects, floral ornamentation, urban furniture and recreational spaces that, both in the public and private spheres, are an example to follow.

The visitor who takes Bagergue as a starting point for one of the many possible activities will surely spend a long time, without wanting to, admiring and discovering the corners of the town: Casa Menginat, Casa es de Pansart, the church of Sant Fèlix del s .XII, the highest Cheese Factory in the Pyrenees and the Eth Corrau Museum with more than 2500 pieces and ancient utensils where you can observe the history of uses and customs of the Val d’Aran.

You can enjoy a moment of tranquility and contemplation in the Hermitage of Santa Margalida, located 1 km north of the town of Bagergue.

The transformations that the town has undergone in recent years have not taken away the charm of a mountain village, a stone house with slate roofs and wooden balconies.

Bagergue have the virtue of having the same hours of sunshine in summer as in winter.